
Showing posts with the label Introduction

Antiglobulin/Coombs Test

   Introduction ·          IgG/IgM antibodies occasionally coat red blood cells (RBCs) without causing agglutination due to their monomeric structure. ·          The small size of antibody molecules prevents cross-linked bridges formation. ·          Coombs, Mourant, and Race developed a test in 1945 to detect these non-agglutinating, coating antibodies.     Principle ·          RBCs coated with incomplete antibody (IgG) or C3 complement do not cause agglutination. ·          Coombs reagent contains antibodies against human IgG/IgM/complement. ·          Anti-Human Globulin (AHG) reacts with human globulin molecules, either bound to RBCs or free in serum.     FDA Licensed Antihuman Globulin Reagents - Polyspecific   1. Rabbit polyclonal: Contains anti-IgG and anti-C3d.   2. Rabbit/murine monoclonal blend. - Monospecific   1. Anti-IgG (Rabbit polyclonal): Contains anti-IgG with no anticomplement activity.   2. Anti-IgG (Gamma-done AHG): Murine monoclonal

"Microbial Marvels: Exploring the Intricate World of Gastrointestinal Flora" (Medical Bacteriology II)

Introduction •       Our digestive system is a network of organs that help us digest and absorb nutrition from your food. •       It includes your gastrointestinal (GI) tract and your biliary system. •       Our GI tract is a series of hollow organs that are all connected to each other,      leading from your mouth to your anus. •       Your biliary system is a network of three organs that deliver bile and enzymes through to your GI tract your bile ducts. Function of GIT         •       Ingestion •       Mechanical Processing •       Digestion •       Secretion •       Absorption •       Excretion v   Ingestion o    Occurs when materials enter to digestive tract via mouth. v   Mechanical Processing o    Crushing and shearing makes material easier to propel along digestive tract. v   Digestion o    A chemical brake down of food into small fragments for absorption by digestive                epithelium. v   Secretion o    The release of water, acid