Platyhelminthes Definition Platyhelminthes (Flatworms) Characteristics: Flattened, bilaterally symmetrical bodies. Group: Includes both freeliving and parasitic species. Medical Importance: Parasitic flatworms include classes like Trematoda (flukes) and Cestoda (tapeworms). Lifecycle in Humans Trematodes (Flukes) 1 . Eggs: Released in human feces or urine. 2. Larval Stages: Eggs hatch into miracidia, infecting intermediate hosts (usually snails). 3. Cercariae: Develop within snails, released into water. 4. Human Infection: Penetrate human skin or ingested. 5. Adult Stage : Migrate to organs (e.g., liver, lungs), mature into adult flukes. 6. Reproduction: Adults lay eggs, excreted from human body. Example: Schistosoma spp. Lifecycle 1. Eggs: Excreted in feces. 2. Miracidia: Hatch and infect snails. 3. Cercariae: Released from snails, penetrate human skin. 4. Schistosomula: Migrate through the bloodstream to the liver. ...