Toxoplasma: Its Life Cycle, Symptoms, and Prevention Life cycle Definitive Host: Domestic cats and other felines. Intermediate Hosts : Humans and other mammals. Cycle in Cats: 1. Cats ingest cysts (e.g., from raw meat like mice). 2. Cysts release bradyzoites in the small intestine. 3. Bradyzoites infect mucosal cells and differentiate into gametocytes. 4. Gametocytes fuse to form oocysts. 5. Oocysts are excreted in cat feces. Human Infection: 1. Ingestion of cysts via: Undercooked meat Accidental contact with cat feces 2. Cysts rupture in the small intestine, releasing forms that invade the gut wall. 3. Forms differentiate into tachyzoites (rapidly multiplying trophozoites). 4. Tachyzoites infect various tissues (e.g., brain, muscle). 5. Tachyzoites transform into bradyzoites, forming tissue cysts. Transmission: Contaminated soil with cat feces ingested inadvertently. Consumption o...