


Platyhelminthes (Flatworms)

 Characteristics: Flattened, bilaterally symmetrical bodies.

 Group: Includes both freeliving and parasitic species.

 Medical Importance: Parasitic flatworms include classes like Trematoda (flukes) and Cestoda (tapeworms).

Lifecycle in Humans

Trematodes (Flukes)

1. Eggs: Released in human feces or urine.

2. Larval Stages: Eggs hatch into miracidia, infecting intermediate hosts (usually snails).

3. Cercariae: Develop within snails, released into water.

4. Human Infection: Penetrate human skin or ingested.

5. Adult Stage: Migrate to organs (e.g., liver, lungs), mature into adult flukes.

6. Reproduction: Adults lay eggs, excreted from human body.

Example: Schistosoma spp. Lifecycle

1. Eggs: Excreted in feces.

2. Miracidia: Hatch and infect snails.

3. Cercariae: Released from snails, penetrate human skin.

4. Schistosomula: Migrate through the bloodstream to the liver.

5. Adults: Reside in blood vessels, produce eggs.

 Cestodes (Tapeworms)

1. Eggs or Proglottids: Released into the environment through human feces.

2. Larval Stage: Eggs are ingested by intermediate hosts (e.g., cattle or pigs) and develop into larval cysts.

3. Human Infection: Humans become infected by consuming undercooked meat containing larval cysts.

4. Adult Stage: Larvae develop into adult tapeworms in the intestines.

5. Reproduction: Adult tapeworms produce eggs or proglottids, which are excreted in feces.

Example: Taenia solium (Pork Tapeworm) Lifecycle

1. Eggs or Proglottids: Excreted in human feces.

2. Intermediate Host: Pigs ingest eggs, larvae form cysticerci in muscle.

3. Human Infection: Ingesting undercooked pork containing cysticerci.

4. Adults: Develop in the intestines, producing eggs.


1. Stool Examination

2. Urine Examination

3. Blood Tests

4. Imaging

5. Tissue Biopsy


Praziquantel, Albendazole, Triclabendazole


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